World Of Reading
Science-based, structured approach to build reading skills
The World of Reading Program is an individualized, explicit, multisensory approach to reading instruction, based on years of research into the science of reading. Students gain a strong foundation in all aspects of reading to become efficient, accurate, and strategic readers.
Reading Program Overview
Identify the root causes of reading difficulties through pre- & post-program evaluations
Personalize curriculum and instruction to fill in gaps in reading foundations
Rebuild student confidence by working at their pace, and reviewing each skill until it’s mastered
Reading Skill Progression
Understanding and manipulating sounds and letters in words and parts of words.
Applying the rules of syllables, sounds, and word parts to real words. Students can be confident that they are identifying each sound in a word accurately.
Increasing decoding speed with longer passages, pattern recognition, and increased automaticity of phonics skills.
Pulling meaning from age-appropriate texts by improving vocabulary, teaching word roots, and detailed instruction in varied passage types.