School Coaching
Elevate your study skills and organization
Our one-on-one school coaching curriculum develops mastery of school study skills, as well as other necessary competencies, to become an independent learner
What Is School Coaching?
Total Learning Centers’ School Coaching program allows students to build independence, organization, time management, and study techniques that turn their struggles into strengths. Working collaboratively with parents, children, and schools, our team can craft an individualized plan that develops students’ abilities in a variety of academic “soft skills” (listed below). Our structured curriculum is always individualized for each student’s needs, which helps them to reduce the time, energy, and stress they need to spend on academic work. In addition, our trained staff can assist students in setting a clear path to move them closer to their goals.
School Coaching Skills
Active Reading
By teaching students how to engage with their reading, our coaches help students improve their reading rate, deepen their understanding, and increase their retention of academic material.
Organizing notes and outlining papers to develop a binder system, TLC coaches can help students to better manage, sort, and prioritize homework, readings, tasks, and files.
From note taking to essay writing, students can increase their vocabulary, organize their thoughts, and efficiently complete their written work with proper planning, research, and citation.
Using strategies from our executive function programs, we help students to build a better sense of their time usage, improving their ability to manage their school and extra-curricular schedules.
For students who struggle in school, asking for help can feel like a sign of weakness. Our coaches build students’ confidence to become their own advocates, fostering communication with their teachers and parents.
Teaching students to be mindful of their strengths and needs improves their ability to plan for success. Students learn to anticipate and prioritize difficult assignments, and create their own modifications for academic success.